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'Elections Chairman of PSSI, Stage Performance of Politics'

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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PSSI chairman X7kickoff of the general election which will again warm current in Indonesia, many reap the attacks that currently there may be candidates who took BeZhare the name of their party into the number one football agency in Indonesia. As had happened before her where PSSI also controlled by the party people, how if the continuation of the reform itself now.

Vice Chairman of the House Pramono Anung spoke associated influx of politicians in exchange candidate Ketum PSSI. Pram see again dominate the political interests.

On the last day to register candidates for the chairman of the PSSI (04/23/2011) yesterday, there are two politicians who are registered names. They are the PDI-P politicians Maruarar Sirait and Achsanul Qosasi who is vice chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives.

Ara carried by PSBL Bandar Lampung, while Achsanul nominated by members of the Division II South Persija PSSI.

Pram said, the election of Chairman of the PSSI has become a means of publication. This is the exposure of individual candidates ketum in public for their own political interests.

"The most important, PSSI upsetting people, for example, to select ketum PSSI greater political attraction, more dominant than his hard work ahead," said Pramod, told reporters at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (26 / 4 / 2011).

"Elections Ketum PSSI became the stage of publication himself. Get great exposure from the public. Do not like First Brigadier Norman and Justin Bieber is so famous," complained Pram.

According to Pramod, should ketum PSSI filled people who are competent in their fields. Dinomorduakan political interests should the national interest is greater.

"I regret PSSI so facilities like this. Ketum PSSI should fill the crazy ball and willing to make sacrifices. Few people want to be like this. So PSSI only used as a platform to become famous because it had been a board PSSI. I'm crazy ball but I measure clothing , because I have a lot of politicians I have not enough time. Hopefully, those who advanced his clothes are not too big, "he said.

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