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Other Things that Exist in Football

Saturday, April 2, 2011

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X7 Kickoff will give you some things that must exist in the world of professional football standards of FIFA. As a soccer enthusiast you surely already understand most of what's inside it. And for those who still lay on the football BeZhare want to share the little information available so you can better understand.
You can read Football Field and Football Terms for more details about Football it self.

*The things are:
1. The position in football:
Keeper = To secure the Hurdles of conceding a goal or goalie called
Breaker = last player as goalkeeper coating.
Stopper = Guard Breaker, usually depending on how many people strategy trainer installed.
Wing Back = defender but could help the attack.
Playmaker = The player who controls the flow of the attack or midfield called
Winger = pure player left or right wing.
Target man = main striker or striker called Pure.
Tandem = Striker Striker maid his usual position behind the strikers rather pure.

2. The number of players in football:
Consisting of 11 players and coaches layout depending on the strategy in implementing the strategy, and there are some which I understand is:
a. 4-3-2-1 = 2 breakers, 2 stopper / wingback: (4), 2 defensive midfielders, 1 attacking midfielder: (3), 2 winger: (2), 1 TargetMan: (1), and this pattern usually used if the team wanted the pattern Few survive, but can rely on counterattacks.

b. 4-4-3 = 2 Breaker, 2 stopper / wingback: (4), 2 defensive midfielders, 2 attacking midfielders: (4), 2 Tandem striker, 1 TargetMan: (3), this pattern in use trainer if you want to carry out attacks successive / barrage hunt as many goals.

c. 4-3-1-2 = 2 absorber, 2 stopper / wingback: (4), 2 defensive midfielder, an attacking midfielder: (3), 1 Tandem Striker: (1), 2 TargetMan: (2), this pattern is almost same as the 4-4-3 just a bit of trouble when the fight occurred in the central region facing the first enemy has a master playmaker.

d. 5-3-2 = 1 Breaker, 2 stopper, 2 wingback: (5), 2 defensive midfielders, 1 attacking midfielder: (3), 1 tandem striker, 1 Targetman: (2), this pattern is used when the opponent is faced class weight and want to survive to steal points / numbers, or if not to score a landslide defeat.

e. 5-4-1 = 1 Breaker, 2 stopper, 2 wingback: (5), 2 defensive midfielders, 2 attacking midfielders: (3), 1 Targetman: (1), this pattern is called defensive football, full stand, and just leaks lho ... This strategy seering used by teams of ground water, especially as guests, provided that no less is good.

f. 3-5-2 = 1 Breaker, 2 stopper: (3), 2 defensive midfielders, an attacking midfielder, 2 winger: (5), tandem striker, 1 Targetman: (2), this pattern is ancient because it is less varied midfielder function , seem to collide with the winger, and when an attack would be late fall down considering his position more advanced than the wingback, a special technique was not wearing european league, just maybe in asia especially our country.

3. Who's There on the ground:
- 22 Players
- 1st Referee
- 2 Line Judge

4. Football Tournaments in Which the legitimate out by FIFA:
- World Cup: Match state teams in the world (4 th all)
- Continental Cup: Match country teams each continent (Europe, Africa, Asia, etc.), (4 th all)
- Asean Cup: Match teams Asean countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei, Laos, Cambodia, Timor Leste)
- League Cup / competition: The match teams from the state itself with the value system (home and away), (1 yr once / 1 season)
- League Cup / non-competition: The match teams from the state itself with knockout (home and away), (1 yr once / 1 season)
- Super Cup: Match each country team competition between the champions and champions of non competition, and each state has its own trophy name (1 yr or so)
- Champions Cup: The teams are ranked 1-4 of champions competition of each country and each country has its own name such as Latin America called the Libertadores champions. (1 yr or so)
- Cup Winner / InterContinental: (now removed), the teams ranked 4-6 competitions each country. (1 yr or so)
- European Super Cup: Between championship team champion and team champion winner / InterContinental. (1 yr or so)
- Toyota Cup: Match championship team champions of each continent. (1 yr or so)
- Confederations Cup: The match between the champions trophy continent. (1 yr or so)

5. Rules of The Game In Football:
- Normal time 45 minutes x 2 Round.
- Additional time if the score 0-0 in the fall is 15 minutes x 2 rounds.
Additional time if there is a yellow card is the normal time + 30 seconds (1 card), if the red card is the normal time + 1 minute (1 card), but this calculation still sometimes violated by some of the referee in charge.
If the score remained 0-0 with the extra time then, continued fighting penalty kick (kick 12 pass), as many as 5 people, if still score the same, then the penalty contest be continued with 1 player - 1 player - until there is a loser.
Beginning of the game ball in the middle of the circle, and which team kicks first coin toss is usually done first.
Otherwise the ball out when crossing the line right-left edge of the field, followed by the title throw-in by using both hands, rules of the game: with both hands, should not be squatting, may not touch the ground when going to throw, can not lift the foot in a state feet parallel. if violated then throwing the ball changed hands to the opponent.
Otherwise the ball out when crossing the line right-left edge of the goalkeeper, who continued with the kick for goal, the rules: if the ball is kicked out because of your opponent, kick performed by a goalkeeper or defender, the goal kicks must pass through the area outside the goal line (see picture field .)
During the match, the ball must not be touched or touch his hand.
- Free kick is given because of the violations outside the penalty area (outside the goal area.)
- Penalty kick is given because of the violation within the penalty area (outside the goal area.)
- Awarded a corner kick because the ball out and touched one of the players are not opponents.

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All Data and Facts that are Here are From Sources All Over the World Football.
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