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78 Groups Ask Normalization Committee Degree Plenary Meeting to Determine Attitude

Monday, April 25, 2011

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Selection of a general chairman for X7kickoff PSSI increasingly uncertain at this time, because there are some candidates who are not allowed by the world football body FIFA BeZhare to enter into the supreme football body in Indonesia.
Today Selection Committee met with the Committee of Normalization to a meeting. Because it is still deadlocked, Normalization Committee Selection Committee was asked to determine attitudes about FIFA's decision regarding the three prospective candidates who have been banned General Chairman of PSSI.

It was delivered directly Vice Chairman Vishnu Selection Committee Ward told reporters after meeting Chairman Normalization Committee Agum Gumelar and its members in the Office of PSSI, Monday (04/25/2011) evening hrs.

At that meeting Vishnu explained that does not exist an agreement between the owner of 78 may sound and related Normalization Committee least George Toisutta, Arifin Panigoro and Nirwan Bakrie Darmawan forward as a candidate for the chairman of the PSSI 2011-2015. This is where a polemic between the two sides recently.

"The meeting did not produce anything. Mr. Agum still leaning to the FIFA decision which in my opinion it isis the personal opinion of Mr. Agum ,"said Vishnu .

"So we asked Mr. Normalization Committee Agum and plenary meetings in one day ahead to determine attitudes about FIFA's decision. Normalization Committee FIFA statutes have been violated article 3 paragraph 2," he continued.

"About four candidates are prohibited, it does not sesuasi with FIFA statutes. It violates human rights and disregard for democracy."

Vishal further said that if half of the members of the Normalization Committee has agreed to use the results of Congress 14 April last, it must legowo Agum accept it.

"Mr. Agum not be authoritarian. If five members of Normalization Committee has agreed, yes use the results of the congress (14 April) ago. Mr. Agum should not impose the will to be obedient to the decisions of FIFA,"said Vishnu.

Asked if future results plenum Normalization Committee stick to FIFA's decision, Vishnu who is an executive board Persebaya can not answer what steps would be taken he and members of the Selection Committee.

At a news conference after meeting member Selection Committee, Agum confirm if he would carry out congressional elections next Chairman of the May 20, though not meet the quorum.

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